Tuesday, August 12, 2008 ♥
~Monday BLues~
Every Monday is a bLues day...Today, my friends, cousins and siblings all having holiday but i
have to come to school.Haiz.. So sad..While at school, edna the
pass me the
"Quote of the day".
After reading it, i feel that how true was it..
"Some people will come to your life and go and life a footprint in your life and abit memories.
Some people come to your life and let you know that you should cherish more of the people around you.
Chance sometime may just come once, but you are able to make it happen again.
Destiny and fate maybe already been decided but sometimes you may that is you made the choice yourself.
Cherish whatever you have now before it is too late
Life is fragile, nobody know what is going to happen next so live your life to the fullest"
This quote is like what i facing right now.I just wonder when will all the confusion will put to an end. Im tired of thinking what is best for me. It is not because i gave up on my life but i kept making the wrong decision again and again.I am scared to gave my heart to special someone..Why whenever there is someone that enter into my life, i kept have doubts on him.When can the trust in me develop???i wonder....
~ Tuesday~
yesterday, i already wrote this post but just to lazy to post it..hehehe...i was too busy with something else..the day have juz began at school...haiz...eVeryday same thing again and again...
My stomach is growling right now...still stuck in sch000L..haix...Reach home already, i called my sis to buy mac spicy burger from Macdonalds.I dunno why i craving badly for it.Yippeee!! She did bought for me but the taste of the burger was damn spicy..Hehehe..But it is s0 yummy..hehehe..i went to sleep early tonite=) Woohoos~~
sweetie lady signing off ♥