Message to ayg:
No worries ayg....
I will be by ur side, no matter what happens :)
Juz Stay sTRong k...
14 DeCeMBeR
*jaja with puteri nur qaisarah*
aRound 11plus...
my grandma called to tell my mummy dat mak long has finally delivered a baby girl @ 7pm...
its a girl...the baby was supposedly to due on january...
10 DeCeMBeR
My cuzin, KaK IjaH finally delivered a baby girl too...
hEr third chiLd...
Congrats to KaK IjaH & aBg AiDiL on their 3rd cHiLd :)
i NeeD to pLan my schEdule duRing my h0liDays...
Coz there a lot things to be done and settle...