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welcome to my blog ♥



♥ FamiLy ♥

♥ Friends ♥


♥ EverYone ♥



Credits ♥

Step It Up & dance to the Music`

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Tuesday, March 31, 2009 ♥




my daily routine reminds me

way way back...

when i was during kindergarten school..


i still waiting for pending request
from respective companies..
my dad kept saying that there is no need to rush..
slackin @ home is a GREAT thing to do too..

long time never met *ayg*
coz i told him dat i meet him in a month time

movies that i planned to watch:

>Fast & Furious 4

>Confessions of Shopacholic

many things have been keep changing in my LIFE :) MyHotComments.com
Thoughts that keep pondering in mY mind
day BY day:
Be strong now
Because things will get better
it might be stormy now
But it cant rain forever


dancing duck!!

sweetie lady signing off ♥

Saturday, March 28, 2009 ♥

i tried the QUiZ in FACEBOOK
"WHat does your birthday say about you?"
its so true!!
about me :)
Suave and compromising. Careful, cautious and organized. Likes to point out people's mistakes. Likes to criticize. Stubborn. Quiet but able to talk well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal but not always honest. Does work well. Very confident. Sensitive. Thinking generous. Good memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look for information. Must control oneself when criticizing. Able to motivate oneself. Understanding. Fun to be around. Secretive. Loves sports, leisure and traveling. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Very choosy, especially in relationships. Systematic
27 march 2009 to 28 march 2009

umairah, waheeda, shakira & hairah

nice pose!!

hehehe(in spore already!!!)

wakakaka :D

step tido plak!!


the sisters:)

went to MALACCA kampung AYER MOLEK to fetch my grandma back to SINGAPORE

hehehe...it have been a long time since i went there...i think about years...

so many changes happen....

it was a just a short trip..
went on friday nite and reach SINGAPORE on saturday nite :)

*it was a short & sweeet trip*

sweetie lady signing off ♥

Friday, March 27, 2009 ♥

26 March 2009


stay cute always k, GIRL :)

sweetie lady signing off ♥

Monday, March 23, 2009 ♥

sweetie lady signing off ♥

23 MARCH 2009, MoNdaY
hey you...yes you!!
heY ridzwan..
21 March 2009, Saturday
went to Singapore Expo with dad, mum, along & airah...
took some crazY picS.

aiRah the new RockStar!

airah Jordan

along wif airah

*peace babes*

*march season*

22 March 2009, SundaY

went to Orchid Country Club..

since my aunt got a temporary pass, we went swimming again!!

but halfway got some sad news, my cousin in Malaysia juz passed away

she died of asthma attack

i was damn shocked..she was so young..

i wonder wat gonna happen to her 2 young kids...

*semoga roh-nya dicucuri rahmat*

sweetie lady signing off ♥

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 ♥

18 March, Wednesday
Since im so bored again, browse through my handphone..i found that most of the pics in my handphone are none other than this little girl..hehehe...the girl who people mistakenly thought was my child..hahaha..im not yet married k...People keep saying she look liked me...kata siblings pe..hehehe..i love her so much...she so sweet indeed..i still remember when i cried after the break up with my EX...this little girl comfort me sey...she said to me, "Aisyah, don't cry...dont' cry"...sweet kan...i cant imagine she said that to me..she only four years old...she knw when im sad..hehe...
i love her k..
very much...
*baby ku*
SiTi ZuhaiRah
17 March, TuesDay
went swimming with mY eLder sis and my lil sis yesterday...
hehehe...long time never go Tampines SwimminG CompleX...
i still remember the last time i went there was during mY primaRy school dAys
16 March, MonDaY
im so bored...went to met Ridzwan again on Monday, 16 March..
we went to BuGis...then, we went to Sim Lim Square..he bought a new handphone, Samsung...
he was so happy!!hehehe...he called his sister...even in choosing the phone colour he asked his sister...
siblings lOve abez :)

sweetie lady signing off ♥

Sunday, March 15, 2009 ♥

14 MARCH 2009

I wanna wish a

HappY 8th Birthday to my little cuzin, Eizlan ShalahudiN

hE is the most handsome and cutest cuzin out of all cuzins...

hehe...went to celebrate his birthday @ MaD JacK CaFe :)

my daddy, hairah & b'dae boy

biRThDaY CaKe :)

sweetie lady signing off ♥

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 ♥


yipee!!!! im so happy :)
While watching movie(Watchmen) with wAwAn today i receive a SMS from an unknown number!!!
I pass all mY suBjects!!!

NeTseC: B+
BrdTEcH: B+
ProJect: C+



*mY happy day*

sweetie lady signing off ♥

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ♥

i heard the result will be release on thursday...

but usually we receive the sms one day before...

im so scared...my most fear is not on the subjects but on my MP/SIP grade...

haix... i dun want to think about it..

the more i think about it, the more scarier it gets..hee...


sweetie lady signing off ♥

Monday, March 9, 2009 ♥


To Vivian!!!

hehehe..she turns 20 today...

Wanna wish her a Happy 20th Birthday

Hope she will have a successful career ahead

Hope she will stay sweet & cheerful always :)

Sunday, March 8 2009

Its Woman International Day..

Went to Bedok Reservior got some fair...

hehehe...i got a flower balloon..so childish

sweetie lady signing off ♥

Tuesday, March 3, 2009 ♥


I been feelin so shagged nowdays...
Luckily, the swollen on all over my body is healing these few days...
Cause' there are nothing SOLID for me to do...
Somehow, i found a new "HOBBY"
Other than finding part time job.... I been reading malay romantic novels... hehehe :)

sweetie lady signing off ♥

Sunday, March 1, 2009 ♥

Saturday, 28 Feb 2009

went to Johor Bahru wif my family and Cik Bah family...

we went there to eat & shop & shop...

Plan to watch movie malay horror movie, "Rasukan: Ablasa"

but due time constraints....we drop the idea....


cik bah & my sis

Sunday, 1 March 2009

DAMN TireD...

JADI kendarat kat tampines 900+...

waduh!! waduh!!...

Penat sey -_-

sweetie lady signing off ♥