Friday, November 20, 2009 ♥

been feeling so damn down lately.....luckily, i had someone to talk to...yeah...
d,thankie u so much...
sometimes, whenever people around me asked me "who is he?"
i would just answered my friend..
sometimes i do felt u he is like a BIG brother to me..hmm...but i like him so much..
yeah...he is indeed older than me...
from the way people saw him, they judge him by his cover...
i dun care whatever people wanna say of him..i still remember when my lassst meeting with him lately last wednesday...where me and him went to KFC for a dinner...just because he was beside me..this makcik turn back and look @ him up down...he looked @ me...i knw he was upset @ the way the makcik looked at him...i just shook my head away and held his hand...
that night, he confeessed to matter how he tried to change..people will always think he never change just because he got tattooos...haix....i still remember my dad kept saying never never to friend wit guys wit tatoos...but....i just feel that he is still the best guy i ever knew... to me, all my other EXs are coward just because my dad was fierce...i still remember the day i went t0 Sentosa..i saw my latest EX...he was directly in front of my family...but never approached me or acknowledged my PENGECUT!!then asked me to come meet him personally somewhere...come on lah, BOY!!haix...
out of all my EXs i ever knew, he was the best indeed...he even wanna meet my parents but i said NO coz i knew the consequences...he never failed to cheer me up...i known him for 2 years long...even when i was attached wit some other guy, i still contact do him when he was attached wit some other girl....
that wednesday night, i told him im so stressed @ home...WHY?WHY? must my daddy accused me of things i never did..i just hope even if im not fated to be him..i will cherish the moments i had with him...cause i do love him once..and i shall not forget him no matter what happen..
*meeting my lovely colleagues @ Carousel for a dinner..hehe...*
*yipee yay!!*
sweetie lady signing off ♥